You Can Coach
Actress Celeste Holm famously observed, “We live by encouragement and die without it—slowly, sadly, and angrily.” We can influence people’s lives in many meaningful ways as parents, friends, co-workers, or supervisors, and in recent years, professional coaching has proven to be one of the most effective ways to provide the encouragement people are dying (mostly figuratively—but sometimes literally) to receive.
*Enjoy an overall book on coaching!
Price: $17.99

You Can Coach
Activation Guide + Masterclass
This bundle comes with You Can Coach's printed 'Activation Guide,' and complete 15-session masterclass.
*book sold separately*
Price: $69.00

You Can Coach
Complete Book Bundle
This bundle comes with hardcover book, 'You Can Coach' by Brenda Chand, the accompanying printed 'Activation Guide,' and complete 15-session masterclass.
Price: $49.00

The Professional Coaching Handbook
A coach’s purpose is to help people take bold steps from where they are to where they want to go. Whether those steps are leading to the discovery of dreams, awareness of opportunities, or surmounting of challenges, you, as a coach, can’t share resources and wisdom you don’t possess.
*Required reading for Track 1
Price: $99.00

Bigger, Faster Leadership
An epiphany during a visit to the Panama Canal led Sam Chand—one of the country's most respected voices on ministry and marketplace leadership—to bold new insights on the life cycles of business and church organizations.
Simply: The size and speed of an organization are controlled by its systems and structures.
*Required Reading for Track 4
Price: $24.99

What's Shakin' Your Ladder
In this book Dr. Chand discusses 15 challenges that are common to all leaders and teaches you how to successfully overcome them.
*Suggested reading for Track 3